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Hunters- Good hunting!

Interweaving of forest and water landscapes created great habitats for numerous game species.

Main game in hunting grounds „Ravno zapad“ is brown bear, wild boar and roe deer. When it comes to small game species the main ones are: euroasian woodcock, common quail and wild duck.
You are more than welcome to visit our hunting grounds – you will get a trophy and very much enjoy your stay!

Hunting season in Croatia

Za lov šljuka i prepelica koristi se streljivo promjera kuglica 1,7-3,5 mm i najveća daljina strijeljanja/ gađanja od 35 metara.

Hunting season in Croatia

Zabrana lova: Prepelice: – pučpura (Coturnix coturnix L.) od 1. prosinca do 15. kolovoza; – virdžinijska (Coturnix virginiana L.) od 1. veljače do 31. srpnja Šljuke: – bena (Scolopar rusticola L.) od 1. ožujka do 30. rujna; – kokošica (Gallinago gallinago L.) od 1. veljače do 15. listopada

Woodcock (Scolopax rusticola L.) is traditional game in Croatia. During the spring and autumn migration, woodcock remain for a short period of time in our hunting grounds. While in migration, they search for moist soil in hornbeam and oak forests, because of its characteristic diet. Interesting and highly respected woodcock hunt is carried out through two main methods, ground ambush and bushing. New regulations are significantly altering traditional procedure per kill; they require direct shipment of catch to the facilities for processing, inspection and cooling.
Woodcock hunting in spring and autumn is done by waiting for the transit time in the evening and morning at dawn. During mating, males are chased away. If they are lured they rush on a hunter. Curlew (swamp woodcock), has typical curving flight.

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Gallery, Click for more photos. (Photos: Archives, Cameras in the hunting ground Ravno Zapad)


Phone: 00385 91 6530001
Web: Enterprise TONKOVIC, for fish farming and recreational hunting and fishing
Hojnikova 43
10 251 Hrvatski Leskovac

Photos "Ravno zapad"

Hunting & Fishing

We present you our hunting grounds IV/153 „Ravno zapad“ and freshwater fishing on Rječica rivulet and Lešće lake in the area of Trošmarija settlement. Hunting grounds are situated just north of Ogulin, inbetween the regions of Gorski kotar, Lika and Kordun, and just a 45 minutes drive from Zagreb by highway.